Monday, October 31, 2011

Back In Business

So sorry pigment readers. I solemnly swear not to let this happen again. A year ago I got my world rocked when I discovered I was pregnant and the accompanying morning sickness/exhaustion whittled down my ability to multi-task. Tisa, my former teammate over at SVU can attest that in between scenes I was passed out. So I dropped the blog ball but now I'm back! I left SVU in the capable hands of my friends Tisa and Dina and am now galavanting in the wide world of tv/movie makeup freelancing part time so I can still bring home some bacon but be the one raising my baby, a particularly fat little angel named Arthur.
Some things I discovered in pregnancy as it relates to makeup:

- That 'glow' that people told me I had was really achieved with makeup and moisturizer (thank you La Mer). I actually found that pregnancy sapped all of my skin's moisture so I had to light that glow myself. But people just want to tell you you're glowing so just say thank you.

- Tarte came out with these new Amazonian clay 12 hour blushes and they are for REAL. I put some on, never took it off after work (see above re: exhaustion) and had a super glamorous night sweat (TMI, sorry) and I woke up and STILL had the blush on. If there is a better endurance test for blush, I can't think of it. And the blushes come in all sorts of fresh great colors from neutral to really cute and bright.

- Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter, Bio Oil, Bag Balm, Belly Gel...they don't work to prevent stretchmarks. Even when applied religiously. Sigh. However, I have an appointment with my Derm tomorrow and besides my annual skin cancer check, we will be discussing LASERS! So ill keep you posted. Btw, my derm, Dr. Julie Karen, is featured in this month's Vogue. No wonder its so hard to get an appointment!

I'll be posting every week from now on with new Tales from the Trenches, product reviews, and updates about the new makeup parties I am starting to throw! Please keep tuning in!

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